Enneagram 1w9

The enneagram 1w9 will be the optimistic type of people. Moreover, they have mixed personality traits from 1 and 9. Usually the one wing has some dominant characteristics. However, 1w9 may also have some traits from 9.

They're usually partial to justice and keep fighting due to their belief unless they win. Much more, they are always there to greatly help others who're in need.

The nine are caring people who try their level best to prevent conflict. However, they are peacemakers too.

Enneagram 1w9 personality traits

Enneagram 1w9 have mixed personality traits from 1 wing 9. Their personality traits are the following:

Basic fear

Enneagram 1w9 can be afraid of earning unethical decisions. Moreover, they simply aim to greatly help others and set goals accordingly.

Basic desire

The enneagram 1w9 are usually on the verge of doing good deeds. Much more, they often spread awareness to people seeking it. They're quick at solving issues and help people by teaching them a lot more politely.


Enneagram 1w9 may be the mix of 1 and 9. The 1 wing strives to greatly help others and fight due to their belief till their last breath. Also, they fear making an unethical decisions. However, these individuals ought to be heard because they are ready to greatly help others.
